(561) 705-0045


Bellagio Dental




What are cemented crowns?

A cemented crown is a crown that is secured to a dental implant using a luting agent similar to crowns cemented onto natural teeth. Our dentists recommend cemented crowns because they offer many benefits, including:

  • Aesthetics: A cemented crown looks just like a natural tooth and is biocompatible with surrounding gingival tissues.
  • Function: Cemented or fixed crowns work and feel just like natural teeth.
  • Fracture resistance: Cemented crowns are also known for their excellent resistance against breakage. Because of this, cemented crowns are considered to be the first choice for single tooth replacements.

The downsides of cemented crowns

The downside of cemented crowns is that they are a little more difficult to remove if any repairs need to be made. Even though they are hard to remove, any repair issues can be easily remedied. Any excess cement retained at the gumline may be prone to harboring bacteria, which can lead to late implant failure. On rare occasions, cement can lead to gum inflammation or even future crestal bone loss. Because of these potential issues, our dentists take extra focused care when cementing the final restoration onto dental implants.

What is the process for placing cemented crowns?

Cemented crowns are a popular choice for single tooth replacements. They are placed after the dental implant has osseointegrated, which takes about 3-4 months. Our dentists will fabricate a crown and cement it in place.

The cement is placed in the crown or on the implant, and then the crown is pushed down making sure it is seated correctly. Any excess cement is removed, and the bite is checked to ensure it is correct.

After the crown is placed, you will need to be careful not to eat any hard or sticky foods while the cement hardens. You should also avoid flossing around the crown immediately. If you feel any soreness or discomfort after the procedure, that is usually readily-controlled with over-the-counter pain medication and saltwater rinses.

Cemented crowns:

  • Look very much like natural teeth.
  • Can be a challenge to remove.
  • More affordable than screw-retained crowns.

How to determine if you’re a good candidate for cemented crowns?

Cement-retained implant crowns and screw-retained implant crowns have significant design differences, but the end result is much the same. Our dentists will select the most appropriate method of retention based on your individual needs and preferences.

How to decide which type of crown is right for you?

Talk to our dentists during the treatment planning phase to discuss the pros and cons of cemented and screw-retained crowns. They will help you determine which type of crown is the best fit for your individual needs.

Screw-retained crowns:

  • More difficult to achieve a natural look.
  • Somewhat easier to remove and replace if the need arises.
  • More durable than cemented crowns.

Bone density requirements and required scans

There is a minimum amount of bone volume that is required to support dental implants. This bone volume is typically measured using cone beam imaging, a type of 3-D X-ray. If the bone volume is not sufficient, our implant surgeons may recommend bone grafting to increase the amount of bone available.

Once the bone volume is sufficient, our dentists can proceed with the placement of the cemented crown. The process is similar to crowns cemented onto natural teeth, but there are a few important differences. First, the implant must be properly positioned in the bone so that the crown will fit correctly. Second, the crown must be made to fit the specific implant, which requires the use of special software.

The importance of preoperative planning

Preoperative planning is essential to the success of any implant procedure. This is especially true for cemented crowns, as the crown must be made to fit the implant precisely. Our implant surgeons use state-of-the-art diagnostic imaging equipment, such as cone beam imaging, to create detailed 3-D images of the surgical area. These images allow our surgeons to plan the implant placement and crown design in advance, which helps to ensure a successful outcome.

Anesthesia: Can you be put under sedation?

Local anesthesia is typically used to numb the surgical site during the placement of a cemented crown on a dental implant. Local anesthesia may also be required to take impressions of the teeth for the fabrication of the crown.

Sedation is not typically required for the final crown phase because it is similar to regular dental procedures. In fact, sedation can actually complicate things dramatically. This is because sedation can make it difficult for our dentists to assess your comfort level and make sure that the crown is placed correctly.

If you are concerned about pain, talk to our dentists about your options. They may be able to offer you a mild sedative or pain medication to take before the procedure. However, they will likely recommend that you avoid sedation for the final crown phase.

Preoperative advice and tips

There are no special preoperative preparations needed for cemented crowns on dental implants. However, it is important to follow our dentists’ instructions carefully. This will help to ensure a successful outcome.

Do's and don'ts

  • Do:
    • Brush your teeth prior to your appointment.
    • Wear loose-fitting, comfortable clothing.
  • Don’t:
    • Drink alcohol for at least 24 hours prior to the procedure.
    • Eat or drink anything for at least eight hours prior to surgery if you are scheduled to have general anesthesia.


If you are a smoker, it is imperative that you stop smoking. Smoking leads to more implant failures than any other behavior or activity. This is because nicotine reduces blood flow, which inhibits the healing process.

Is this a same-day procedure?

No. Cemented crowns on dental implants are not typically a same-day procedure. This is because our dentists need to allow for adequate healing time for the implant to osseointegrate, or fuse with the bone.

Osseointegration is a critical step in the success of any dental implant procedure. It is the process by which bone cells grow around the implant and create a strong bond. This bond allows the implant to function and feel just like a natural tooth.

In addition to the healing time, there may also be one or two additional appointments needed to facilitate the fabrication of the crown. This is because the crown is typically made in a dental laboratory, and it can take some time to create a custom-made crown that fits perfectly.

However, when proper protocols are followed, the long-term success rate for cemented crowns is well over 95%. This means that you can be confident that your cemented crown will provide you with many years of reliable service.

Post-surgery tips and advice for proper healing

Special attention to postoperative care is vital to good healing and the best implant osseointegration possible. Our dentists will provide you with specific instructions on how to care for your gums and teeth after the procedure.

It is normal to experience some soreness for 3-4 days after the surgery. Our dentists may prescribe medication to help control the pain. You may also be advised to use an antibiotic or antimicrobial mouth rinse.

In addition to following our dentists’ instructions, there are no other special requirements for cemented crowns to heal properly and function well for many years. However, it is important to continue to brush and floss your teeth regularly and to see our dentists for regular checkups.

Duration of recovery

The recovery time for cemented crowns on dental implants is similar to other dental implant procedures. Post-procedure pain is easily controlled with medication, and you can expect to go back to work the next day, sometimes even the same day.

However, there may be one or two additional appointments needed to facilitate the fabrication of the crown and cement it in place. Our dentists will discuss this with you in more detail during your consultation.

Contact us

If you are considering a cemented crown on a dental implant, talk to our dentists today. They can help you determine if you are a good candidate for this procedure and can answer any questions you have about the process. We offer a variety of dental implants and crowns to meet your individual needs. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.

Proper upkeep, issues with recovery & rejection, and peri-implantitis

Most dental implants have long-term success rates greater than 95%. However, proper postoperative home care is essential to ensure proper results. Just like natural teeth, cemented crowns also require regular maintenance throughout the life of the implant and crown.

Once installed, cemented crowns help prevent peri-implantitis, a condition characterized by inflammation and progressive loss of supporting bone. Peri-implantitis is the most common complication of dental implants, but it can be prevented with proper care.

Our dentists will provide you with specific instructions on how to care for your gums and teeth after the procedure. They will also discuss the importance of regular checkups and cleanings.

Our dentists can discuss the pros and cons of each treatment option with you in detail to help you decide which is the best choice for you.

Alternative treatments

Cemented implant crowns are designed to replace missing teeth using a fixed method. They have provided millions of patients with replacements that mimic nature in function and aesthetics. In fact, many times an implant and crown is done so well that the average person cannot tell it’s a false tooth!

There are other alternative treatment options for replacing missing teeth, including fixed bridges or removable partials. However, these options can lead to other complications and typically don’t deliver the same results as do crowns cemented onto dental implants.

If you are considering a cemented crown on a dental implant, talk to our dentists today. They can help you determine if you are a good candidate for this procedure and can answer any questions you have about the process. We offer a variety of dental implants and crowns to meet your individual needs. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.

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