(561) 705-0045


Bellagio Dental




What are dental bridges?

A dental bridge, also known as an implant bridge, is a permanent appliance that is cemented onto dental implants. Our dentists use dental bridges to replace missing teeth and restore the function and appearance of your smile.

As the name implies, bridges span areas that are missing a tooth or multiple teeth and fill in larger spaces. Fixed implant-supported bridges are a long-term solution and do not come out, unlike removable partials, which move when chewing and have to be removed every day for cleaning.

Fixed dental bridges are typically recommended when you are missing multiple teeth in a specific area of the mouth. A fixed bridge can also be used to replace a completely edentulous (toothless) arch.

Fixed (or cemented) bridges are an attractive option because they look like real teeth, feel like real teeth, and function like real teeth, which is why most people choose fixed bridges over removable partial dentures.

Benefits of dental bridges from our dentists

  • Restore the function and appearance of your smile
  • Improve your chewing ability
  • Prevent further tooth loss
  • Protect your jawbone
  • Feel and look like natural teeth
  • Last for many years

If you are missing teeth, talk to our dentists about dental bridges. They can help you determine if a dental bridge is the right solution for you and discuss the benefits and risks of this treatment.

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What is the treatment process for a dental bridge from our dentists?

If you are missing more than a few teeth, longer span fixed bridges are considered the treatment of choice to restore natural function and aesthetics. The treatment process typically involves the following steps:

  1. Examination and assessment. Our dentists will examine your teeth and gums, and take X-rays to assess the condition of your jawbone.
  2. Implant placement. If your jawbone is healthy, our dentists will place dental implants in the area where the missing teeth are located.
  3. Bridge fabrication. A dental laboratory will fabricate the bridge, which is made of porcelain or metal.
  4. Bridge placement. Once the bridge is ready, our dentists will place it in your mouth and cement it in place.

The entire treatment process typically takes 2-3 months.

Here are some of the key differences between bridges and partials:

  • Retention: Bridges are fixed in place, while partials are removable.
  • Appearance: Bridges look and feel more natural than partials.

How is a bridge different from a removable partial denture from our dentists?

Some people are under the impression that bridges and partials are the same; in fact, they are dramatically different.

  • Bridges are fixed dental appliances that are cemented onto adjacent teeth. They are made of porcelain or metal, and they look and feel like natural teeth.
  • Removable partial dentures (partials) are removable appliances that are held in place by clasps or attachments. They are made of acrylic, plastics, or metal, and they do not look or feel as natural as bridges.

It is important to understand the difference between bridges and partials before making a decision about which type of appliance is right for you. Our dentists can help you determine which type of appliance is best for your individual needs and preferences.

Here are some of the key differences between bridges and partials:

  • Function: Bridges offer better chewing function than partials.
  • Durability: Bridges are more durable than partials.
Dentist in North Palm Beach, Dentist in Palm Beach Gardens, Dentist in Juno Ridge, Dentist in Jupiter, Dentist West Palm Beach, Dentist in Lake Park, Dentist in Riviera Beach, Dentist in Cabana Colony, Dental Implant in North Palm Beach, Dental Implants in Palm Beach Gardens, Dental Implants in Riviera Beach, Dental Implants West Palm Beach, Emergency Dental Clinic North Palm Beach, Emergency Dental Clinic in West Palm Beach, Emergency Dental Clinic in Palm Beach Gardens

How do you determine if you're a good candidate for a dental bridge from our dentists?

If you’re missing several teeth in a row and have adequate bone, an implant-supported fixed dental bridge is almost always the best way to restore natural function.

Without a fixed dental bridge:

  • Teeth may shift into the empty space.
  • Teeth that have drifted may become more difficult to clean, making you more vulnerable to tooth decay and gum disease.
  • Bone may shrink and your mouth may lose some of its shape.

A fixed dental bridge can:

  • Restore a natural look to your mouth and smile.
  • Restore the ability to speak normally.
  • Restore the ability to chew normally.
  • Help prevent future dental complications.

If you’re missing all of your teeth and you have adequate bone, longer multi-unit implant bridges can provide you with new teeth that are very similar in appearance and function to natural teeth.

Here are the factors that our dentists will consider when determining if you're a good candidate for a dental bridge:

  • The number of teeth you’re missing.
  • The condition of your remaining teeth.
  • The condition of your gums.
  • The amount of bone you have in your jaw.
  • Your overall health.

If you’re interested in learning more about dental bridges, please schedule a consultation with our dentists. They can assess your individual needs and preferences and help you determine if a dental bridge is the right solution for you.

Bone density requirements and required scans for dental bridges from our dentists

As with any implant surgical procedure, preoperative planning is essential to success. State-of-the-art diagnostic imaging equipment allows our dentists to use detailed 3-D images to determine both bone density and total hard bone volume.

It is imperative that there is adequate bone volume available to support an implant-supported bridge. Without this bone, an implant-supported fixed bridge can fail.

In some cases, implants may need to be spread out to work around areas with inadequate bone.

The following scans may be required to assess bone density and volume:

  • Panoramic X-ray: This X-ray provides a two-dimensional view of the entire upper and lower jaw.
  • Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) scan: This 3-D X-ray provides a detailed view of the jawbone.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan: This scan can provide more detailed information about the soft tissues around the jawbone.

Our dentists will discuss the specific scans that are required for your case. They will also discuss the risks and benefits of each scan so that you can make an informed decision about your treatment.

Anesthesia for dental bridges from our dentists

Local anesthetic is used to numb the surgical area during dental bridge placement. For shorter bridges, local anesthetic may be adequate. However, you may choose to be sedated, and larger or more complex bridge procedures may require general anesthesia.

The type of anesthesia that is best for you will depend on your individual needs and preferences. Our dentists will discuss your options with you and help you choose the right one for your procedure.

Here are some of the benefits of sedation:

  • It can help you relax and feel more comfortable during the procedure.
  • It can reduce anxiety and pain.
  • It can shorten the overall procedure time.

Here are some of the benefits of general anesthesia:

  • You will be completely unconscious during the procedure.
  • You will not feel any pain.
  • You will not remember anything about the procedure.

It is important to discuss sedation options with our dentists early in the treatment planning process. They can help you choose the right type of anesthesia for your procedure and answer any questions that you may have.

Are implant-supported dental bridges a same-day procedure from our dentists?

The answer is yes and no. Some implant-supported bridges can be completed in a single day, while others require extended healing periods.

In cases where there is adequate bone volume, implants can be placed and a temporary bridge may be fabricated immediately. This is sometimes referred to as “Teeth in a Day.” However, it is also common to have a healing period of 10-12 weeks before the permanent bridge is fabricated. Some of the factors that determine the length of the healing period include bone quality, the number of implants required, and cosmetic demands.

Here are some of the advantages of same-day implant-supported bridges:

  • You can get your new teeth in a single day.
  • You can avoid the inconvenience of wearing temporary dentures.
  • You can get back to your normal activities more quickly.

Here are some of the disadvantages of same-day implant-supported bridges:

  • The procedure is more complex and expensive than traditional implant-supported bridges.
  • There is a slightly higher risk of complications.
  • You may need to have a second surgery to remove the temporary bridge and place the permanent bridge.

It is important to discuss the options with our dentists and carefully consider the risks and rewards for each option. If you are considering “Teeth in a Day,” keep in mind that it requires extensive planning and may call for a lot of flexibility and patience on your part.

Here are some of the factors that our dentists will consider when determining if you are a candidate for same-day implant-supported bridges:

  • The number of teeth you are missing.
  • The condition of your remaining teeth and gums.
  • The amount of bone you have in your jaw.
  • Your overall health.

Preoperative instructions and tips for dental bridges from our dentists

If you are getting a fixed bridge from our dentists, they will provide you with specific instructions in advance of your procedure. These instructions may include the following:

  • Brush your teeth prior to your appointment.
  • Wear loose-fitting and comfortable clothing.
  • Do not smoke or drink alcohol for at least 24 hours before your appointment.
  • If you are having general anesthesia, do not eat or drink anything for at least 8 hours prior to surgery.
  • Arrange for a responsible adult to accompany you to our dentists’ office, one who can drive you to and from your appointment and wait in the waiting room during your procedure.
  • Use the restroom before your surgery, if necessary.
  • Take care of all financial arrangements before your surgery.


Recovery from this procedure is generally well-tolerated and post-operative pain can be controlled with medication.

Here are some additional tips for preparing for your dental bridge appointment:

  • Bring a list of all of your medications, including over-the-counter medications, to your appointment.
  • Ask our dentists if there are any specific foods or activities that you should avoid in the days following your surgery.
  • Be sure to follow our dentists’ instructions carefully after your surgery.

By following these instructions, you can help ensure a smooth and successful dental bridge procedure.

Essential Post-Surgical Instructions and Advice for Optimal Healing

Our dentists will provide you with precise instructions to follow after your dental implant procedure, which will be similar to the guidelines outlined below:

  1. Minimize Disturbance to the Wound: It is crucial to avoid disturbing the surgical site for several days following your surgery. Refrain from touching the area with your fingers or tongue and avoid any vigorous rinsing or spitting.

  2. Normal Redness and Bleeding: It is normal to experience some redness or bleeding during the initial 24 hours. However, you can typically manage it by gently applying a gauze pad to the affected area.

  3. Gradual Return to Normal Diet: You can start consuming soft foods and liquids on the same day as your surgery. However, it is advisable to gradually transition back to your regular diet over the course of several days following the procedure.

  4. Warm Saltwater Rinse: Rinse your mouth with warm saltwater four to five times a day, including after meals. This helps promote healing and reduces the risk of infection.

  5. Integration Period for Dental Implants: Similar to other implant procedures, most dental implants require several weeks to integrate with your jawbone before the placement of a bridge. This integration, known as osseointegration, ensures that the implant becomes securely fused with the bone.

  6. Caution with Immediate Dental Bridges: If you receive immediate dental bridges on the same day as your surgery, avoid using them for normal chewing for several weeks. Premature use could hinder proper implant integration. A soft diet is recommended until the implants have adequately osseointegrated.

By diligently following these post-surgical instructions, you can promote effective healing and ensure the long-term success of your dental implant procedure. Our dentists are committed to providing you with the best care possible throughout your recovery.

Furthermore, it is essential to note that smoking poses a significant threat to the health of your implants. Smoking can lead to implant failure and compromise the success of the procedure. Therefore, it is highly recommended to abstain from smoking to protect the integrity and longevity of your dental implants.

Essential Maintenance and Recovery Concerns: Preventing Rejection and Peri-Implantitis

Our dentists emphasize the importance of proper upkeep and post-operative care to ensure a successful recovery and minimize the risk of implant rejection or peri-implantitis.

Achieving a success rate of over ninety-five percent for most implants requires diligent attention to home care practices.

It is essential to maintain proper oral hygiene, including regular brushing and flossing of your implant-supported bridge. Neglecting these practices can result in bone loss, similar to the consequences seen with natural teeth.

Regular checkups and ongoing home care are crucial to prevent the development of peri-implantitis. This condition is characterized by inflammation and a gradual loss of supporting bone around the implant. By prioritizing routine checkups and consistent oral care, you can reduce the risk of this complication.

Our dentists are dedicated to providing comprehensive care, including guidance on maintenance and recovery, to ensure the optimal health and longevity of your dental implants. By following these guidelines and seeking regular professional care, you can enjoy the benefits of a successful implant procedure with confidence.

Recovery Period: Timelines and Considerations for Fixed Bridges

Our dentists understand that the recovery period for a fixed bridge procedure is comparable to other dental implant treatments. However, it’s important to note that since multiple implants are necessary to support fixed bridges, the recovery time may be slightly longer compared to single implant surgeries.

Additionally, the fabrication of a dental bridge often involves multiple appointments. Larger or longer bridges, which require more implants and complex surgical procedures, may entail additional time for proper construction and fitting.

By entrusting your dental care to our experienced dentists, you can rest assured that we will guide you through the recovery process and provide you with the necessary support and expertise. Whether it’s a fixed bridge or any other implant procedure, our priority is to ensure your comfort, satisfaction, and long-term dental health.

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