(561) 705-0045


Bellagio Dental


LOCATOR Overdenture Implant


What is the LOCATOR® Overdenture Implant System?

The LOCATOR® Overdenture Implant System is a popular, durable, and cost-effective option for securing a removable denture to dental implants. It uses abutments (posts) and attachments to create a secure and stable fit for the denture, which can improve chewing function and comfort.

How does it work?

The LOCATOR® System uses precision-fit abutments that are screwed into the implants. The denture then snaps into place on the abutments using special retentive attachments. This creates a secure and stable fit that can help to prevent the denture from moving or becoming dislodged.

Benefits of the LOCATOR® System

The LOCATOR® System offers a number of benefits, including:

  • Stability: The secure fit of the denture can help to improve chewing function and comfort.
  • Retention: The denture is less likely to move or become dislodged, which can help to prevent gum recession and bone loss.
  • Durability: The LOCATOR® System is a durable and long-lasting option.
  • Cost-effectiveness: The LOCATOR® System is a cost-effective option for replacing missing teeth.

If you are considering replacing missing teeth with dental implants, our dentists can discuss the LOCATOR® System with you to see if it is the right option for you. 

What is the process for placement of the LOCATOR® System?

The LOCATOR® System is a two-stage process. First, our dentists will surgically place two to four dental implants in your jawbone. These implants will need time to osseointegrate, which is the process by which bone grows around the implants and “locks” them into the bone. This process typically takes about 3-6 months.

Once the implants have osseointegrated, our dentists will attach special abutments to the implants. These abutments will have LOCATOR® attachments that will snap into place on your denture. The denture is then secured to the implants using these attachments.

The entire process of placing the LOCATOR® System can take several months. However, the results can be very rewarding. The LOCATOR® System can provide you with a stable and secure fit for your denture, which can improve your chewing function and comfort.

What to expect after surgery

You should expect some soreness or discomfort after the implant surgery. However, our dentists will prescribe medication to help control any pain. The total recovery time for placement of the LOCATOR® System is comparable to other implant surgery procedures.

Call our dentists today to learn more about the LOCATOR® System and how it can help you improve your smile. We offer free consultations and can help you determine if the LOCATOR® System is right for you.

If you are a good candidate for the LOCATOR® System, our dentists can help you understand the benefits and risks of the system and determine if it is the right fit for you. They can also discuss the cost of the treatment and help you make an informed decision.

How do you determine if you’re a good candidate for the LOCATOR® System?

If you wear dentures, you know the pain and frustration that can come with false teeth. In particular, lower dentures are notorious for causing pain—to the point that many people forego wearing them. But if you’re someone who has problems wearing dentures, implant-supported LOCATOR® snaps may be the miracle solution you’re looking for.

Here are some factors that our dentists will consider when determining if you’re a good candidate for the LOCATOR® System:

  • Your overall health: If you have any health conditions that could interfere with the healing process, our dentists will need to consider these factors.
  • The condition of your gums and jawbone: Your gums and jawbone need to be healthy enough to support the implants.
  • The number of teeth you are missing: If you are missing all of your teeth, our dentists may recommend a different treatment option, such as a fixed bridge or implant-supported denture.
  • Your lifestyle: If you are active or participate in sports, our dentists will need to make sure that the LOCATOR® System is a good fit for your lifestyle.

Call our dentists today to learn more about the LOCATOR® System and how it can help you improve your smile. We offer free consultations and can help you determine if the LOCATOR® System is right for you.

Bone density issues and preoperative scans

Severe bone atrophy is a real problem for people who have had all of their teeth removed. This resorption occurs continuously for years after the teeth are removed and causes dentures to become loose and mobile. Many times, the last area of bone resorption is in the lower anterior (chin) mandible. As such, it is usually the last remaining area of bone that can be used for two to four implants, giving retention to a lower denture that would otherwise move around and be painful.

Our dentists can use state-of-the-art diagnostic imaging equipment, typically cone beam or CBCT imaging, to see detailed 3-D images of the surgical area and to produce a surgical plan that will produce the best possible results. This preoperative planning is essential to success with any implant surgical procedure.

Here are some of the benefits of preoperative scans:

  • They can help our dentists to assess the amount of bone available for implants.
  • They can help our dentists to identify any areas of infection or pathology that may need to be addressed before surgery.
  • They can help our dentists to plan the placement of the implants in the most optimal way.

If you are considering implant surgery, it is important to talk to our dentists about the benefits of preoperative scans. They can help you to determine if this is the right option for you and they can help you to choose the best imaging facility for your needs.

Anesthesia options for LOCATOR implants

The type of anesthesia used for LOCATOR implant surgery will depend on your individual needs and preferences. Our dentists can discuss the different options with you and help you choose the best one for you.

  • Local anesthesia: This is the most common type of anesthesia used for LOCATOR implant surgery. It numbs the area where the implants will be placed, so you won’t feel any pain during the procedure.
  • Sedation: This is a type of anesthesia that makes you feel relaxed and sleepy. You’ll be awake during the procedure, but you won’t remember anything about it.
  • General anesthesia: This is a type of anesthesia that puts you to sleep completely. You won’t feel anything during the procedure, and you won’t remember anything about it.

The decision of which anesthesia to use is ultimately up to you. Our dentists can help you understand the different options and choose the one that’s right for you.

Here are some factors to consider when choosing an anesthesia option:

  • Your level of anxiety: If you’re very anxious about the procedure, you may want to consider sedation or general anesthesia.
  • The length of the procedure: LOCATOR implant surgery is typically a short procedure, so local anesthesia may be sufficient. However, if the procedure is longer, you may want to consider sedation or general anesthesia.
  • Your overall health: If you have any health conditions, such as heart disease or diabetes, you may need to have general anesthesia.

It’s important to talk to our dentists about your anesthesia options early in the treatment planning process. This will give them time to discuss the different options with you and help you choose the one that’s right for you.

Duration of the LOCATOR implant procedure

The LOCATOR implant procedure is typically a two-stage process. In the first stage, our dentists will surgically place the implants in your jawbone. This procedure takes about 30-60 minutes per implant.

After the implants have healed for 8-10 weeks, our dentists will attach the denture to the implants. This procedure takes about 1-2 hours.

It is important to note that the LOCATOR implant procedure is not a same-day procedure. The implants must heal for several weeks before the denture can be attached. This is because the implants need time to osseointegrate, which is the process by which bone grows around the implants and anchors them in place.

If the implants are loaded too soon, the chance of failure increases and the implants may be lost.

Our dentists can help you understand the timeline for the LOCATOR implant procedure and answer any questions you have. They can also help you choose the best time to have the procedure so that it doesn’t interfere with your work or other activities.

The LOCATOR implant procedure is a safe and effective way to replace missing teeth. Our dentists can help you understand the procedure and decide if it is right for you.

Post-surgery tips and advice for proper healing

LOCATOR implants require postoperative care to ensure the best osseointegration possible. Our dentists will give you specific instructions on how to care for your implants after surgery. However, here are some general tips:

  • Soreness is normal. You may experience some soreness for a few days after surgery. This can be controlled with medication.
  • Avoid strenuous activity. Avoid strenuous activity for a few days after surgery. This will help to prevent the implants from becoming dislodged.
  • Keep the area clean. Brush your teeth and gums as usual, but be gentle around the implant site. You may also be prescribed an antibiotic or antimicrobial mouth rinse to help keep the area clean.
  • Call our dentists if you have any concerns. If you have any concerns about your implants, please call our dentists right away.

By following these tips, you can help to ensure a smooth and uneventful recovery from your LOCATOR implant surgery.

Proper upkeep, issues with recovery & rejection, and peri-implantitis

LOCATOR implants have a success rate of over 95%. However, it is important to follow our dentists’ instructions for proper upkeep to ensure a successful outcome.

  • Home care: It is important to brush and floss your implants regularly, just like you would your natural teeth. You may also need to use an antimicrobial mouthwash.
  • Regular checkups: It is important to see our dentists for regular checkups. This will allow them to monitor your implants and make sure they are healing properly.

Peri-implantitis: Peri-implantitis is a condition that can occur around implants. It is similar to gum disease, and it can lead to bone loss. If you experience any signs of peri-implantitis, such as pain, redness, or bleeding, it is important to see our dentists right away.

Smoking: Smoking can damage implants and increase the risk of peri-implantitis. If you smoke, it is important to quit before or after having implant surgery.

By following our dentists’ instructions for proper upkeep, you can help to ensure a long and successful life for your LOCATOR implants.

Alternative treatments

For individuals who are missing all of their natural teeth, there are a few options available for replacing them. Assuming you have adequate bone, the only alternatives to LOCATOR implants are:

  • All-on-4: This is a type of implant-supported denture that uses four implants to support a full set of teeth.
  • Implant-supported bridges: This is a type of implant-supported restoration that uses multiple implants to support a fixed bridge of teeth.
  • Conventional dentures: These are removable prosthetics that can be used to replace missing teeth.

The best treatment option for you will depend on your individual needs and preferences. Our dentists can discuss the different options with you and help you choose the right one for you.

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